8929 50th Ave, 49340
Fax: 989-967-8246
**Emergency after hours
”The Sacrament of Matrimony signifies the union of Christ and the Church. It gives spouses the grace to love each other with the love with which Christ has loved the Church. The grace of the sacrament thus perfects the human love of the spouses, strengthens their indissoluble unity, and sanctifies them on the way to eternal life.” (Catechism #1661)
Arrangements for this sacrament must be made at least six months in advance. If a previous marriage is involved, then no date can be set until the previous marital bond is declared null and void in the Church Marriage Court. Practicing Catholics of St. Michael as well as members of another Catholic Church are eligible for this sacrament—a letter of delegation must be received by St. Michael Church from the home parish.
All couples must participate in our Pre Cana Program. Please contact the parish office for more information